Stuck? I help.

I support organizations and individuals to reimagine how the work gets done – empowered, flexible, sustainable

  • A thorough understanding of the company output, the product, and what it takes to make it and to make it well, sounds trivial but is essential. We look at how the output aligns itself to the company goals, clearly stated mission & vision statements and what strategies, belief systems, and (limiting or enabling) company structures are accompanying the output creation.

  • It is ultimately implicit and explicit rules and processes that define what is and is not possible in an organization. Since the way work is done is just as important as the work itself, a disconnect between the What and the How can derail projects, teams and entire companies. We therefore work with companies to (continuously) examine, evaluate and re-imagine how work gets done.

  • Great products are not created without passionate and, most importantly, motivated people. In a post-pandemic world, it will be people-centric and trust based organizations that succeed by empowering employees to work the way they work best and by investing in their wellbeing. We support businesses in understanding what drives and what inhibits their employees productivity and what they need to thrive as people. From here we create frameworks around which to establish in-office/hybrid/remote work protocols.

Focus Areas

Why it matters

Employers and employees alike are grappling to find hold in a radically altered environment of a post-pandemic world. In combination with the arrival and rapid evolution of generative AI, firmly held beliefs have been replaced by fundamental questions about life, work and the world.

Everything is interconnected, always changing and unforseen things happen all the time. When they do, people and organisations need redundancies, resilience and the tools to deal with this upheavel both internally and externally. Not least when it comes to product strategy and product development there are many questions to be answered. This is also an opportunity: to take a hard look at our products, processes and work environments to ensure that we are doing everything we can to create wholistically sustainable enterprises that treat employees and the planet with dignity and respect while delivering on our promise to our customers.

  • We perform a thorough 360° business analysis along the three core factors (Product, Process, People) and their implications for remote/hybrid/in-office work with new perspectives on time, technology and how we gather.

  • Through interviews, workshops and pulse checks, we identify efficient and effective ways to get the job done while maintaining/rebuilding a trust-based company culture that puts the needs of your employees center stage.

  • We develop a people-centric and sustainable work/culture-vision and/or product-vision for the company and implementation recommendations that are iterative and rooted in open, transparent and honest communication.

What I offer

  • Whether you want to address your own work-life or seek guidance in how to lead your team, I support you on your journey to a healthier relationship with work.

    We will asses your current situation – your needs, desires and what is holding you back.

    From here we establish your vision and goals and develop strategies that help you reach them.