“A job is not just income. It is dignity, hope, purpose.”

Leila Janah

Why it matters

Companies and individuals are struggling to figure out what their post pandemic work-reality will look like and how it integrates into our personal lives. While hybrid models seem to be emerging as the prefered option for most employees and employers alike, many questions remain around how exactly this model will work best and how it still offer the flexibility to integrate fully remote workers where neccessary.

The path forward is certainly challenging but when navigated carefully and intentionally it can also be incredibly rewarding.

When companies take the time to properly assess the situation, to challenge old beliefs and biases and to really listen to their workforce, when they keep an open mind and offer the appropriate resources, post-pandemic work models can be conceived and implemented that balance the needs of businesses, customers and employees. When we are focussing less on maximizing short term returns in favor of building up resilience, it can ultimately lead to a new normal that is better for everybody.

Whether you are an established company, a startup or just you, we all can get better at how we work and we all can and deserve to integrate work more sustainably into the other aspects of our lives. The pandemic has shown us that it is possible – so let’s get to work.

  • "Employers are ready to get back to significant in-person presence. Employees aren’t. The disconnect is deeper than most employers believe, and a spike in attrition and disengagement may be imminent"

  • "The three-two weekday R.T.O split, like so many other aspects of office reopening plans, has begun to seem less like gospel and more like gibberish"

  • "Culture is about people and behaviors, not place (…) So it behooves companies first to be clear what they want their culture to be and then be more intentional about the ways they cultivate it"


  • "Data also shows that in remote environments, the experiences of people of color increased greatly in particular to their sense of belonging and their perception of being treated with fairness (...) Diversity, equity and inclusion is imperative for business and organizational leaders who hope to succeed and thrive post-pandemic"

  • "To get beyond this stressful push and pull, we need to reframe the conversation and focus on what we’re actually trying to achieve rather than where, precisely, we’ll be sitting when we achieve it"